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Click the BIG RED BUTTON below to become an UNFORGOTTEN Investor

Up until this point, the UNFORGOTTEN podcast has been financed primarily by myself (with some support from my wonderful family). Throughout the entire process, I've done my best to keep costs low. Still, all told, I've spent $1121.69 on this project as of May 1st 2019. I consider it a worthwhile investment & plan to continue investing time, energy, & money into getting this important story out to a wider audience. 


The series has garnered over 240,000 downloads to date! Over 30,000 during the month of April 2019 alone!


However, the growth of the podcast has generated additional costs. I want to be able to continue to present this story in a compelling & professional way, & to be able to afford the continued availability of the podcast for years to come, in order to reach a national audience & finally get this case the attention it deserves. There is also much more I could learn if I had funds make various public record requests & purchase access to additional data sources.


So, I am now offering listeners the opportunity to invest directly in this project. 


Investors of $9 or above in 2019 will receive monthly updates from the Podcast via email during the course of the 2019, beginning in June (emails will be sent to the addresses  investors provide within the PayPal portal unless otherwise requested). Updates will include detailed breakdown of expenses & indicating how investments were spent. Updates also may include bonus material, such as extended or unreleased audio interviews.


The first 15 investors of $50+ will have the option of having their name (or name of their business) listed in the ending credits of an episode.


All funds received through the above portal will be used exclusively to cover, supplement, or reimburse the cost of production, distribution, & promotion of the UNFORGOTTEN Podcast, &/or, the associated independent research into the unsolved murder of Matthew Ryan Stewart. None of the funds generated from the portal will ever be used for any other purpose. 


*Note, PayPal does extract a small percentage of each transaction.*


If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me,





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